Tag Archives: twitter

Facebook: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

I have all the right to write this post because of my roller coaster relationship with Facebook. What I am using now is my 4th FB account. In the span of 4 years, I have activated and reactivated my FB account because of the following reasons: 

1. Breakup with a girlfriend.
2. Too much noise
3. Had a great word war with my frenemies, which I regret now.
4. I have the tendency to become jealous and envious

I know you have felt at least one or more of the aforementioned reasons. 

Anyway, the longest “fasting” I had with FB is 8 months..the night before my birthday til… (you count, I hate math). Those were the best days of my life, to be honest. The reason? Maybe I really need serenity and peace in my life. 

But it would be too immature for me, a full blown adult, to permanently deactivate FB just for the reason of loath against someone who has traveled the world without spending anything or for a C student friend who collects 4×4 jeeps, not the matchbox but the real thing.

I am a matured person. I can take the heat.

But I have to agree with my alter ego that FB has its own good, bad and ugly.

The Good..

1. Family connection. Yes, relatives are a bit cheesy. Sometimes they’re too gossipy.  But most of the time, they love you no matter what. They will stab you behind your back. But family will always be family. 

2. Professional connection. Post something and opportunities will be appearing all over the place. 

3. A creator’s hub. Yes, create something and post responsibly. 

The Bad…

1. It could be a waste of time. It is fucking addictive. 


The Ugly…

When I opened my FB after 8 months, it’s already the planet Jupiter for me. People speak alien. They even look like aliens with all the selfies, duck faces and weird OOTDs. (That monopod is alien, no doubt)

That culture sucks. It is also beautiful. 

At the end of the day, theres no problem with Facebook. The problem is us. 

Nuff said. 

Day 4 of 7


On Social Media

I have a love-hate relationship with social networking sites like twitter and facebook. I usually get those “I think I saw you on Facebook” and “Hey, you deactivated your account? How come? Are you recovering from a bad breakup?”

Well, thanks a lot to MATURITY that I now know how to handle social media.

Years ago, I had a small fight with my childhood friends. I posted a stupid status against them and BOOM! It’s Civil War! People use to say that don’t use social media when you are sad or angry. Some people even suggested that don’t post status updates if you are happy. Each status updates should be assessed before posting. And I find all those advises really really wise.

I recently had a 3-month fast with all these social networking sites because I felt the need to assess myself if I can still handle these “modern ways” of connecting to people. I have to promise myself that I’m going to be really careful and be really mature if I want a social media homecoming.

In just one month after my comeback, I was able to appreciate what Social Media has to offer although there are still annoying things happening such as the very evident narcissistic tendencies of people which I am tempted to do as well. #Selfie

I fell in love with twitter once again because I followed the right people and organizations that deserve a place on my tweet feed. @rapplerdotcom sends important news making me updated on what is happening in and out of the country.  @IJM sends updates regarding their fight against injustice. Choose who to follow. Last week, @rapplerdotcom had this sort of live feed interview with the Senate President of the Philippines. Rappler asked the netizens to post their questions to be answered by the SP. I was glad that my question got into the list which was practically answered by the Senate President himself.


Prior to our President’s State Of the Nation Address (SONA), Rappler also asked netizens to send pictures of the “real” status of the nation in the eyes of ordinary people. I sent 3 pictures and one of them was included in the very beautiful collage of the Philippine Map.

Courtesy of Rappler.com
I sent this picture because “Interfaith” is close to my heart. I am glad that we live in a country where all Religions can live in haromony. Can you find this picture in the collage?

So my point is, let us use social media wisely in such a way that it can inform us or probably contribute something in the society and in our relationships . If you can’t set aside your superficial life (sorry for being blunt), try a 3-month fast. It really works!